Prof. Dr. Martin Brehm

Prof. Dr. Martin Brehm

Theoretical Chemistry - Research Group Brehm

Professor - Group Leader

+49 5251 60-5786
Web (External):
Warburger Str. 100
33098 Paderborn
Prof. Dr. Martin Brehm
Education and Academic Career
Since 01.05.2023

Heisenberg Professorship (W2) for Theoretical Spectroscopy

01.06.2016 - 30.04.2023

Junior group leader and Habilitand at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg



"Predicting Vibrational Spectra of Condensed Phase Systems", Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Daniel Sebastiani, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

2020 - 2021

Visiting Scientist

Prof. Dr. Jürg Hutter, University of Zürich, Switzerland

01.01.2014 - 31.05.2016

Postdoc at the Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ) Leipzig with Prof. Gerrit Schüürmann



Chemistry, Leipzig University, Germany. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Barbara Kirchner

01.10.2009 - 31.12.2013

PhD Student at the Universität Leipzig with Prof. Barbara Kirchner

2007 - 2009

Degree programme

M.Sc. Chemistry, Leipzig University, Germany

2004 - 2007

Degree programme

B.Sc. Chemistry, Leipzig University, Germany

Awards und Fellowships
Since 2019

Invited Talks

2022: 7th Vibrational Optical Activity (VOA7) conference, Edmonton, Canada

2022: Mitteldeutscher Katalyse-Workshop (MDKL), Leipzig, Germany

2019: Chirality in Industry: Integrated Solutions for Vibrational Circular Dichroism, Leiden, Netherlands


Heisenberg professorship, German Research Foundation (DFG), Germany


Hellmann Award of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Theoretische Chemie (AGTC)

2004 - 2009

Scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Germany

Since 2016

Funding Reviewer: DFG

Since 2013

Journal Referee: ACS, RSC, Wiley, Elsevier, MDPI

Scientific Engagement
Organisation of Scientific Events
Since 2020

Invited lecturer at the International Winter School on Electronic Structure Calculations, Paderborn


Co-organiser of the 54th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC 2018) in Halle (Saale) with around 250 participants (together with Daniel Sebastiani)

Since 01.05.2023

Heisenberg Professorship (W2) for Theoretical Spectroscopy

Education and Academic Career
Since 2020

Invited lecturer at the International Winter School on Electronic Structure Calculations, Paderborn

Organisation of Scientific Events
Since 2019

Invited Talks

2022: 7th Vibrational Optical Activity (VOA7) conference, Edmonton, Canada

2022: Mitteldeutscher Katalyse-Workshop (MDKL), Leipzig, Germany

2019: Chirality in Industry: Integrated Solutions for Vibrational Circular Dichroism, Leiden, Netherlands

Awards und Fellowships
Since 2016

Funding Reviewer: DFG

Since 2013

Journal Referee: ACS, RSC, Wiley, Elsevier, MDPI

01.06.2016 - 30.04.2023

Junior group leader and Habilitand at the Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg

Education and Academic Career

Heisenberg professorship, German Research Foundation (DFG), Germany

Awards und Fellowships


"Predicting Vibrational Spectra of Condensed Phase Systems", Chemistry, Prof. Dr. Daniel Sebastiani, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Education and Academic Career

Hellmann Award of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Theoretische Chemie (AGTC)

Awards und Fellowships
2020 - 2021

Visiting Scientist

Prof. Dr. Jürg Hutter, University of Zürich, Switzerland

Education and Academic Career

Co-organiser of the 54th Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC 2018) in Halle (Saale) with around 250 participants (together with Daniel Sebastiani)

Organisation of Scientific Events
01.01.2014 - 31.05.2016

Postdoc at the Helmholtz-Zentrum für Umweltforschung (UFZ) Leipzig with Prof. Gerrit Schüürmann

Education and Academic Career


Chemistry, Leipzig University, Germany. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Barbara Kirchner

Education and Academic Career
01.10.2009 - 31.12.2013

PhD Student at the Universität Leipzig with Prof. Barbara Kirchner

Education and Academic Career
2007 - 2009

Degree programme

M.Sc. Chemistry, Leipzig University, Germany

Education and Academic Career
2004 - 2009

Scholarship of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation, Germany

Awards und Fellowships
2004 - 2007

Degree programme

B.Sc. Chemistry, Leipzig University, Germany

Education and Academic Career


Latest Publications

Synthesis of Ferrocenyl Boranes and their Application as Lewis Acids in Epoxide Rearrangements

L. Köring, B. Birenheide, F. Krämer, J.O. Wenzel, R. Schoch, M. Brehm, F. Breher, J. Paradies, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2024).

Ultrafast Proton Transfer Pathways Mediated by Amphoteric Imidazole

M.-A. Codescu, T. Kunze, M. Weiß, M. Brehm, O. Kornilov, D. Sebastiani, E.T.J. Nibbering, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 14 (2023) 4775–4785.

A Force Field for Bio-Polymers in Ionic Liquids (BILFF) – Part 2: Cellulose in [EMIm][OAc] / Water Mixtures

E. Roos, D. Sebastiani, M. Brehm, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 25 (12) (2023) 8755–8766.

Lactate-Based Ionic Liquids as Chiral Solvents for Cellulose

J. Radicke, E. Roos, D. Sebastiani, M. Brehm, J. Kressler, J. Polym. Sci. 61 (5) (2023) 372–384.

Show all publications

Further information as well as more details on my biography can be found on my research portal: